Roger Boothroyd - Bar & Hedy Hodgson Award Recipient

Its My Mother's Fault

Roger says, “It was my mother's fault.” As a teenager, having newly acquired a driver's licence, Roger approached his mother and said, “I'd like to buy an old car.” to which she replied, “They're so expensive, why don't you get a small motorcycle?”

Within a year of buying an “old” 1947 Ariel 500cc (small?), he joined the Victoria Motorcycle Club in 1961. A few different bikes were in his stable in the first couple of years and road rides were his main enjoyment. Roger’s first off-road competition was the Brentwood Reliability Trial ridden on his 1958 Triumph Trophy 650. This was later traded in to Les Blow's Motorcycle Sales for a car which he needed for his family, leaving him without a bike for a year. However, he maintained his membership in the VMC.

Finally, being able to purchase another bike, he found a 1954 Triumph Trophy 500 and one day at work a fellow VMC member, Al Barclay, asked Roger if he wanted to ride a couple of trails through Mount Douglas on the way home. They did, and the competition bug bit him. Roger started with a “detuned” Greeves Hawkstone, then a Cotton Trials, and then a couple of Bultaco Sherpa T's. When his boys, Michael and Paul were old enough, a series of Yamahas got the Boothroyd clan involved in cross country and observed trials.

Roger's involvement with the club in the 1970's and 80's saw him on many committees laying out observed trials, both on the property and off, as well as searching for and cutting trails to run cross country events. Camping and riding in the Burnt Bridge area with fellow members led to his involvement on the trail committee of the 1981 and ‘82 Terra Nova Enduros with former members Bill Norris and Bob Wormald.

Roger has also served on the executive: Secretary for two years, Vice President for a year prior to two years as President in 1981 and ‘82, and many years as a Director. Through the 70’s and 80's Roger was the trophy committee, a position that entailed building, buying and having them engraved. Keeping track of the trophies as well as polishing them and keeping records was also part of the volunteer job.

Throughout the years, Roger has enjoyed competition in observed trials, cross country events and road rides. His name has been engraved on a number of perpetual trophies such as the Novice Trial, Terra Nova, Brentwood and Kirk Enduros, the Century Run as well as the Paper Chase and others. He has won the Memorial Trophy, the Activity Award but being the five-time winner of the Matson Award, contributing the most to motorcycling, is treasured most highly.

Over the years, Roger has enjoyed photography, particularly taking pictures at club events. This has led to the largest collection of VMC photos of anyone in the club. He has borrowed many of the older member’s albums and scanned all the photos for the club to enjoy. Roger has also had some of the old films and videos converted to DVD and has had those for sale to club and former members with all monies back to the club.

Most recently in 2002, he took over the publishing of the club's newsletter and continues to this day. At first it meant having 100 – 200 publications printed and mailed but as technology improved, they are now all sent electronically saving both time and money. He has also been the information person for the club, sending out club-wide emails when necessary.

Over a period of 15 years, Roger worked to have the club and former member Vern Amor, inducted into the Canadian Motorcycle Hall of Fame, the Greater Victoria Sports Hall of Fame and also to have the Shanks family inducted into the CMH of F, a feat he is very proud of.

In 2017, Gary Nordstrom asked Roger to help with the production of a coffee table book, Vintage Motorcycles of Victoria. He willingly took on the huge task of doing the layout. In 2019 Gary asked for help on a new idea, a VMC history book, and once again Roger has spent countless hours, this time combing through newsletters and photos to find the best articles and pictures to record the club’s past. Most of the pictures have come from Roger's massive photo collection. In these later years, his off-road competition has declined although he still enjoys rides on the road, the camaraderie with club members, taking pictures at events and helping out where he can. Roger has 63 consecutive years of VMC membership, he has lots of memories to look back on.